Praetorians Mod Imperial 5.1
Praetorians Mod Imperial 5.1

Landbridges have been added to improve AI expansion expect to see previously dormant factions triumph ingame! New descr_formations_ai file (based on Sinuhet's original):- the AI has been given double the amount of formations to choose from in battle, so expect to see a greatly improved AI response to your moves, and differing AI tactics on the battlemap. Settlement names can be customised ingame, allowing for an increased roleplaying element. Now each culture contains their own unique UI (for example, battle advisors, campaign advisors, the UI interface itself etc). New UI much attention has been given to improving this over the vanilla game. in their respective regions (provided you have the funds of course!). An AOR mercenary recruitment system you can now hire units like Ethiopian swordsmen, Indian elephants, Caledonian tribesmen, Argive hoplites, Campanian cavalry etc. Wardogs, Flaming Pigs, Arcani etc.) have been removed. Moreover, the ridiculous fantasy units (i.e. Note that the mod is not 100% historically accurate - some units deviate from historical accuracy in their appearances, although (for the most part) the historical descriptions of said units are sound.

Praetorians Mod Imperial 5.1

Almost every unit in the game has been re-skinned for the purposes of this mod.

Praetorians Mod Imperial 5.1

Hundreds of new units and textures for the various factions ingame. Each faction is fully fleshed out and ready to play! To that end the Roman families have been merged into one faction, to facilitate the addition of others. New factions, including the Kingdom of Epirus, the Kingdom of Baktria and the Kingdom of Sabaea (among others). Incorporation of Mundus Magnus as the campaign map now the game spans from Ireland to India, with hundreds of new provinces in between.

Praetorians Mod Imperial 5.1

New graphical improvements, courtesy of the Roma Surrectum II mod this WILL cause lag on some lower end computers.

Praetorians Mod Imperial 5.1